Reality. Pick One.


One of the nice things about being Satan is that you never have to argue your case. If you do, it’s at your pleasure and strictly for the joy in forcing others to think.

The anarchist in me has mud to throw but no real solutions for anything. That is the definition, after all. I pick my ocracys carefully. Theocracy? I adore it, I am the God to rule your country, trust me. Demockracy, ‘rule of the people by the people,’ I might consider it if you chose better people. Androcracy, which we heard so much about in the last blog, I’m afraid I have to side with Agatha on this one, if you want a Femocracy, make one, who cares how you go about it. Here's a hint, it will have nothing to do with words and how they have been appropriated by men to oppress women, you are free to appropriate them too, why don’t you?

Aggression is Nature’s Norm, let’s face it, and if you are a deer or wolf you will have different  perspectives, but you will both be subject to its reality in your world. Will you turn to the wolf and ask him to spare you because you like your life? Will he listen? He will bring the question on you and beg you to let him eat you so that he can live, he too is a fan. How is this to be decided? By measured debate? Logic? Ethics? No. It is decided by the tooth. If the wolf allows himself to feel for the deer, he will starve. If men allow women to make them weak, they will starve.

Surely not, surely men can look on their past and admit they have been wrong about most of it. They can look in the mirror and admit their complicity in the, as Engel’s apparently put it, ‘total defeat of women forever,’ or something along those lines. Look it up. It must have looked like it to him, what would he say if you brought him here, now? He would say, “well done men, I like how you’re pretending so brilliantly. Keep up the good work”.

Back to ocracys. Or isms, there are plenty of names and ways to control thoughts. Tyranny, also called Facism, looks good on me, Communism, so blandly evil it’s nauseating, Socialism, or ‘Little Communism’, for people who want to run everything  but aren’t mean enough, and one of my favourites, Pacificationism, where Pacifism is recognized as a means of disarming the enemy.

Let’s jump to the Big Question for your species, so loaded it could be called a weapon.

Why Are You Here?

Will we look at all the theories in one blog? We will try. Those we miss won’t be missed. I’m tempted to leave out religions, on the grounds that I invented them, so I can hardly dismiss them as fiction. How many of you does that account for? A brief aside to look at Buddhism, which had possibilities until they invented the wheel. Free Tibet.

Moving on, let’s consider the Goddess Evolution, as brilliantly conceived by the Legendary Darwin, long may his theories enchant you. Increasing degrees of complexity, predicated on increasing intelligence, the highest use of which is to provide the means of destruction. Perhaps you can spot the flaw in the system.

Systems. Yes. It’s wonderful that your language allows you to make up important sounding words and ideas and apply them to other made up things and call it Science. Another kind of Politics, evidence reveals it to be a deeply flawed system, adhering to none of its own rules.

Paleoethnoregression, also known as Environmentalism, practised by idealists exclusively. There is no going back. Not without Massive Death. Are you ready to make those decisions now? Think about it differently, it’s not working well for you or the earth.

Games Theories. The Devil is not a Gamer, preferring to make games rather than play them. But of course I can offer you my wisdom on the subject, being above all an acute and painstaking Observer.

Do we have a stereotype for the average gamer? Yes of course, so we know what he looks like. According to Agatha they’re lonely people, who have no real way to reach others, but she is full of fluff like that. Typically loners, we can assume there is one ‘person’, based on the way your Science is conducted, or any number based on what we can reasonably assume given this a different paradigm entirely. The next critical question, are ‘they’ good or evil? No. We can’t ask that question, those are our constructs, not theirs. What else? Why did they make us? What is our future? Why Are We Here? Did you program the questions into us just so you could ignore them? Wait, are you God? The similarities are striking. Will the Game end one day? If there are more than one of you, who is winning? Dammit. Religion again, it just rears its ugly head everywhere. I pat myself on the back and kick myself at the same time.

The Peace and Goodwill to All Theory, wherein you deliberately blind yourself to the truth and submit to absolutely anything to be properly distracted and think you are moving forward. The theory flies in the face of the screaming evidence, you have mastered lip service and think it’s enough. Talk to me when the witch hunts are over. When you can all walk naked in the streets and see only your similarities, they’re impellingly obvious.

There has never been anything like a Utopian age, since only there can equality be guaranteed for everyone- but the slaves. Read the book so you can stop misusing the word.

Philosopher Kings. Can you say that without laughing? That’s the best of Ancient Greece. The Enlightenment? Appropriation of a religious term to signify emancipation from religion, for new thoughts that said nothing of the wretched Human Condition, despite talking of nothing else.

No other creature alive can pat itself on the back, you can do it from any position. This is what defines you, not the violence, the ability to rationalize it. Not the greed, the acceptance of it. The Eternal acquiescence of the domestic animal.

What can change something like this? Nothing so far.


“Scion”  by  Manes      Just a reminder.


Cold Moon.

