The Sentence.

Interesting argument, wouldn’t you say?

How many of you cringed in that last blog? Not expecting that kind of dark from a mere scribe, perhaps. More fool you.

Let’s put the question in the hands of a Master.

To judge or not to judge? Of course the answer is to judge, always, since you are being judged yourself, and you will be judged a pussy and easy prey, if you don’t.

Here’s the Devil’s proposition.

Put me at the Helm. I will judge and convict all in one motion, and pass only one sentence, death. On the grounds that you’re vastly overpopulated, and your bloated corpse is hurting the planet. God doesn’t care about it, but I do.

On the grounds that those of you who abuse the privilege of life by making others regret theirs, do not deserve the gift, I will take it back.

A generous death, though I personally would have it otherwise. A good meal, sex, if you can find someone to give it to you, the drugs of your choice, music if you know what that is. All in one night, at once. If you’re worth judging guilty of offenses against your fellow creatures, none will mourn you. Justice is clean.

Will you make the Devil’s list? Who knows? Will you recognize yourself if you do? I highly doubt it. Are you ready for it?

Ask yourself, are you a Petty Tyrant? If there are 8 Billion of you, a good 3 Billion of you are, look out motherfuckers, Satan is coming for you.

Do you ignore children and the elderly, treat domestic workers like servants, have the money to stay in 4 star hotels and fail to tip the staff, talk down to servers, service workers or grunts, are you a service worker who is an asshole, do you abuse those under your care, do you leave your work undone and chat, or play on your phone, are you being paid for a job you aren’t doing, do you hate those you work with, do they hate you, do they have reason, are you filthy rich and also filthy, money is no evil but how you use it is a big deal, what kind of rich bastard are you, would you even know it, again I have to say no, but let us by all means keep moving, supervisors, assistant managers, managers, whoever you are, in whatever country or capacity, you know you are assholes, I doubt you even think of being otherwise, we can shorten this list by saying simply that if you are not careful for the things you consider beneath you, you are a good candidate for extinction- another easy target for elimination, though this one I would punish severely if I had my way, and that will be you who have no respect for the good earth, do you litter, you are dead, do you see how easy it is to do with out question marks entirely, and you can still follow this I presume, let us move on to an # ( or is it ‘a’ #?) @ & followed by others who will die, namely those who have children and neglect or abuse them, this is a big deal for the scribe who makes me add this, ask me if I care, you will never know, who else will die soon, politicians the world over who make promises and don’t keep them, technically not a sin in my book, but politicians have to go on principal, any pretext will do, stomp them out, if new ones arise, stomp them too, would I be Satan if I didn’t have a soft spot for anarchy, but your world order is and has been a disgrace for millennia, those responsible, collectively ‘they’ will be found and led to the their natural conclusion, unlike this sentence which goes on to include all hypocrites, unless they admit and pay for it, is that likely, no, do not forget about men and women who stay together when they hate each other, they ruin more lives than their own, god forgives evil mothers and brutal men but the Devil doesn’t, so they have to go, who am I missing, let’s go back in time for all the conquerors, drag them here for this and give them the death they deserve, chauvinists, though I love you, it has been too long and you have become irredeemably ugly in your pasty skins and business suits, parasites and freeloaders, you know who you are, pick your dinner and drug, the Devil will supply a magazine since no one is likely to fuck you, are you involved in a zoo or circus, say goodbye to your loved ones, no animals will miss you, if you think they will, let them loose and see, assuming you haven’t taken away all their own skills and instincts, oh wait, you have, never mind, perhaps I’ll let them eat you, see how lovely this is,,, you know this list could go on to include those who comply in things like planned obsolescence, dangerous ‘scientific’ research, knowledge is not a god that accepts sacrifices, stop killing things in its name or it will fuck you over, if you are still alive, since you are so good at fucking yourselves over and no doubt you will soon, god willing, which he is, ask him, wait you can’t, ah, you’re still in the wrong church, come to me, you can ask me anything, I will give you a new, fresh earth, things will grow and you will have to fight for your place with green, growing things and they deserve the space so you will be a more compromising peoples, I think, gentler, slower, more humble, please god more humble, but that, I think, needs a miracle.


“Orphic Hymn”  by  Jóhann Jóhannsson, Theatre of Voices, Paul Hillier   








Judge My Offensiveness.