Will you Miss Me?


If nothing else, mine will be an Elegant absence. I leave it to your fertile imagination to decide what that might look like.


Evil. You have long been fascinated by it. For eons you were free to practice it with impunity, as long as you paid the priests. You still can, you still do. The only thing that has changed is your language, where you are striving to deny it in as many ways as possible. It’s okay to beat women, just don’t say it out loud. Don’t use the bad words, let her be as manly as she likes, as long as she still knows her place. If she doesn’t, show her a beer commercial.

Women, you’re not lying when you say misogyny is written into the system, it’s written into the world, and who can we blame for that? God again, read your Holy books, things are pretty clear there. What happens when you step away from religion? When you turn your back on thousands of years of classical conditioning? Nothing happens. You simply accept someone else’s version of who you should be. In fact who you should be is now controlled almost entirely by the media, and you know they have your best interests at heart.

Look around at the new 20 year old women, they have abandoned traditional roles so seriously that they’re declaring war on sexuality. Ladies, you can redefine it, you can burn the bras and books, but nothing will take away your breasts, your vagina, your uterus. All the drugs and surgery will never make you a man, they will only unmake you a woman. All the pronoun denouncement doesn’t change biology. And what about your soul? Or the more politically correct term, your spirit? How can you claim to have more than one? Greedy, just a bit, I think, considering you are so careless with the one you actually have. Turn your back on it, go ahead, the trends are important, they exist for a reason.

What next, lowly mortals? Never mind, we already know. Priests will come and enforce the new sexlessness, you will guard your tongues and cave, because priests are dangerous. Ladies, you will continue to object to objectification, while shopping for bras with tassels on the nipples. You will demand men look away while you wear things designed to attract their gazes. You will grasp at whatever pitiful power is given you, in your new narrows. You will wear the burka to stay alive, you will feed your daughters to the hungry palmgods.

Men, you will learn new ways to hold power, you will abandon sunlight and things like muscles, you will care for the babies and clean the house, because this what equality means. You still make all the decisions, somehow that never changes, but now you are the generous, empathetic partner, who helps out, a saint as well as The Say. Good work men, keep the power the gods gave you, if you lose it you don’t deserve it.

Women, I say it here boldly. If your man has convinced you that you’re an inferior creature that needs to be ruled, maybe you are. Think about it, men have ruled you for thousands of years, why? Because they’re stronger? Don’t be daft, strength is nothing to wits. Every man sleeps. Even the most brutal has to be unconscious at some time. Seriously vulnerable. No, they rule by fear, fear of the fist.

Do they? Or do they rule because you were raised to be ruled? Because you look in the mirror and see what you were told to see, what you are always being told to see. Someone who needs. A man, most of all, let him have sway over you, it frees you from responsibility for yourself. Let him make your decisions, all the failures will be his. Let him decide where your daughters end up, teach them to accept orders, above all do that.

Orders come in so many sizes and shapes these days, who can fight them? When your heart hammers out, your instincts scream- hush them, it’s so easy to do. Put your headphones on, a text, a call, a song, specially crafted to put you in touch with your inner self, with what truly matters. Something with exotic notes, a pan flute, some soul drumming, Do your work out, eat only healthy foods, bike somewhere, never wear anything you like, just what’s in style, eyes will always be approving.

Turn your back on tradition, don’t bother sifting through it first, buy the first one that comes from somewhere like Finland. You can never hope to reduce, so be sure and recycle. Your habits, your morals, your appetites, your simple cruelty.

Abandon Harmony entirely, as a concept, as a design principle, a species, an organism. Let the colours clash, let them torture the innocent in new ways. More lights, so they can see our galaxies for years, let the planet swallow itself in shame. Look at your phone, your screen.

Too ugly for Satan even, this day in time and place. I am off, back to my life, where it needs my attention most. Things like Witches to deal with. You might hear from my scribe that the BOOK is out, it edges ever closer. Otherwise, this Devil is done.


“Waterways”  by the Legendary Ludovico Einaudi    Be alone.


Stage Mine.


Burn Something.