You Again.

Portrait of You. #1A


I see by the slant of the sun that it’s time for another look at you, faithful reader. I’ll try not to repeat my adjectives, but there are no guarantees.

Fresh candy for you, what does it look like?

Well, I like to start with the bitter, then give you the sweet to help you forget the taste. What have you done? Nothing. Fine for the unwashed masses, the hesitant sheep, but unacceptable in a disciple of mine. The worship should be growing rapidly, by now I should be being burned in effigy on church steps. How long do you think I will continue to educate you at no expense? How long before you bore me and I disappear? I have minimal expectations, I’m not asking for your soul, after all.

I have told you, I will know when you light a candle to me, some of you are slack in this regard. Light the fucking candle before you read the blog, listen to the songs on good headphones at the same time, otherwise you’re wasting my valuable attention.

Needless to say, you will buy the Book. If I release it. I’m not convinced you deserve it, it will depend on how many candles I see.

What else do you read, besides the Devil? Have you read your bible? I can’t recommend it, it’s a lousy book, but pick 5 pages at random and read them, just so you know. Do the same with the Koran, it’s the bible with many exclamation points, so read it out loud and scream when they tell you to. The parts about women are different, but you have to hunt for those.

If you are reading this blog without having read all the others in the order they were written, then you are making a big mistake. You need to learn how to read me, you’re too green to drive alone. Go back to the beginning and read them all, 2 minutes per blog, a lifetime of valuable information. A start towards a Degree in Pandor, where you will master music, art, philosophy, literature, sarcasm, debauchery, hedonism, hatred, and a kind of love you haven’t seen before. A degree in your species, a desperately needed education in your own planet, a course on trees and another on water. Distinguished Witches will guest lecture on soil and why it matters more than you do, they will suggest that there is hope for your species. By the time you graduate you will be able to refute them irrefutably.

When was the last time you looked at your soul? Do it now. Have you made it interesting enough for me yet?

What else are you reading? Watching? Fantasy, futurism, space, science, porn, technology, all these things appeal to you. History, perhaps, feminist studies, the Dark arts. Some of you will be here for the attitude, some are clearly here to find something to hate, these I adore, are you one of them? Hate mail, words as weapons, your new modern selves are in love with it. Have you been seduced by the power of its anonymity? Do you like to fire weapons that can’t be seen? Are you the kind who cancels? I hope so, they’re an interesting bunch, with a direct connection between their keyboards and their genitals, fire off that righteous arrow and climax all over your keyboard.

You’re sticky little creatures, we welcome your applications but you won’t get in. Hell is very particular. Keep reading though, all evil is good evil, bump fist.

Are you looking around you and seeing yet? If you’re outside you should be, every second, how long do you think it will look like this? Have you left your poor music tastes behind? Are you sampling the world? How is your brain? I expect it to open outward the longer you worship me, I expect to change you, and I will.

You will learn how much better certain things grow in the dark. Another lesson on Evil, next. Since you need one so badly. But you like those, don’t you?


“Scion”  by the brilliant Manes     Listen again, in case you haven’t.




Dark Days. For Some.


For Those With Short Attention Spans.