Kick Them While They’re Down.

Self Portrait Y


Understand that I rarely do it personally, it’s a sordid little move, like a stab in the back.

It’s been said that people of class never use the word, only those who aspire to it. I’m not afraid of words, and I love what you do with them. Let’s talk about class, what does it mean to you? Quite a few things, I think, and still making up your mind.

Striving for a classless society, this is the goal, the Utopia of the moment. Those who achieve notice, those who serve in this holy cause, they will be rewarded with a medal or title or public acclaim. They will step lightly and gladly up to the next class.

The higher the better, reward programs, academic kudos for conformity, beyond that, forced conformity, bought so cheaply with anything that jiggles. Who knew it would be so easy?

Are you classy? How would you define it? Socioeconomic status, everyone will start there. No class without cash. Fly to Dubai, stay in the best hotel, you’re already up a few classes just by staying there. See how long you keep your majesty if you stop tipping majestically.

It plays out like that everywhere, even in the lowest hole, the most advanced of nations, the ever equal communist world, especially there. Gold is the gold standard.

Class is taught in your classrooms, imbedded into young minds like dark secrets they can’t understand, it’s wonderful. How you educate your young has been a constant source of fascination, for millennia. Food for endless discussion with my loyal creation Dorian. A constantly evolving joy.

Your latest curriculum is a masterpiece, let me just say it. I look forward to the day when billions of darlings grow up to find they don’t rule the world.

You will find, when you read my Book, that I have chosen to cut myself off from access to the future, I rarely go beyond this glorious century. I have my reasons; you’ll have to wait and see what they are. I don’t know what will happen, it’s a flower that will unfold itself when it’s ready, my main concern is to make sure Aela and the complications she came with are a constant. I look only so far as I can still see them.

Does this mean I am weak? No. It reveals only that events may be out of my control, and that is something even gods are subject to. I don’t kick something when it’s already down, that doesn’t mean I’m safe from it myself, there are more than enough boots lifted on my behalf.

Ask me if I care.

Just be sure they’re crafted of finest Italian leather, by an ancient master with painfully arthritic fingers, why should I be the only one suffering?

What do you consider classy, as a species? Altruism is held in high regard by people who are holding out their hand. You will always find someone to take.

Can you buy class with achievement? Definitely, I refer to you any NBA star, academy award winner, Beyonce’s ass in your face for years, the inbred head on your coins, any idiot ruler of any stupid country, wait, that’s pretty much all of them.

You can buy class with colour and religion now too, it’s delightful.

Certainly the devil is always impeccably dressed for the time and location in which he finds himself. If it happens to be made by clever Italians and docile Englishmen, of the finest materials ever created, it’s no indication of class. Satan is happy to be without class.

It allows me to fill my scribe’s head with such dark thoughts that her only refuge is with me. It allows me to step beyond myself, briefly, to kick her as hard as I can, so easy when she’s already on the ground. Kick her again until she understands that I get what I want. Always.


 “Burning” by Ludovico Einaudi    If you’re not worshipping him, you should be.




Your God is In The Hall.