Reality Check.

Let’s talk about the World. In a dreadful mess, as you know, but you don’t seem too concerned. So it was in Sodom and Gomorrah, just before they were destroyed for their alleged sins. In the unprotected monasteries, as the dragons pulled up on the shores. In Rome, just before the Barbarian Hordes showed up in numbers impossible to ignore. In the Andes, where they sought bliss with blissful unconcern for anything else, while tall-masted birds of prey flew over them and crowded out the sun.

Living like sheep, seeing and scenting the wolves but sure the Shepherd has his eye on them. The shepherd who is sleeping, after having played games on his phone for hours. What is it? Complacency? Blindness? Pandemic Apathy, I have said it, but surely at some point your survival instincts will kick in and you’ll see your own peril? Much closer than you thought, so close you can start to see its features.

So I send out an Envoy, in the classic, Ancient manner. My minion who will travel the planet for me, dispensing free electronics and asking impertinent questions. He is armed and armoured, but not so it can be detected, I want no collateral damage. Don’t fear for him, though he will face some of the Most Powerful, and his journey will be fraught with danger.

He starts with the worst, since he is still fresh and strong.

Russia, will you leave the Ukraine, since they don’t want you there, go home and give your people Basic Human Rights, since that is your Job? Will you stay in your own borders and strive for harmony there? Will you rule for, and not against them?

China, will you give up your plan to dominate the world, so obvious, so close to fruition. Can you change your mind now and address your own illness? Will you use your stolen technology and your massive population to clean up your own, surely Sacred lands? Will you learn the valuable lessons of freedom, and prefer living, loyal people to Terracotta Warriors? Will you open your long closed country to the World so we can marvel at all there is there? Or have you already left your filthy homeland in your hearts, ready to colonize the rest of the world?

America, will you stand and face a Mirror, long enough to see how ridiculous you are? To see what a Farce you have made of your Tremendous fight for Freedom? What a Joke your legendary government is, bought and sold like any other whore. And such a dirty, unkempt slut, could you not choose a high class Courtesan at least? The Land of Promise Unfulfilled. The Land of such Ugly you have to use Hollywood to hide it. Sprinkle glitter over the septic tank, stand for your False Flag, in the ghettos. How can you bear yourself?

Europe, so Modern, so smug, will you accept that Socialism is a form of Degradation, pure and simple? All people are Not made equal, none are alike, stop trying to communize your world, surely you know the dangers inherent in such a system. Why yearn for it, dress it in Flowers and Free goods, confuse it for justice? How bland do you want to be before you stop? All the centuries of colour and strife, all the blood shed for reasons fantastic, all of this, the lessons, the visions, the experience, all wasted, painted over, whitewashed where it shows. A tragedy. Soon the individual will stand out like  a living tree, it will have to be pruned and shaped, and protected from predators. You will put what power you have in the hands of toddlers, immigrant’s will one day make you foreigners in your own countries because you will let them. Is this what you want?

Canada, you’re not Europe or America, grow your own ideas and leave pretty boy looks out of elections. Your current leader is a big hit with giggling girls worldwide, a 4th rate pop star who’s only talent is his dimple. What are you thinking? What a waste of beautiful, breathtaking land.

Africa, still Tribal and apparently proud of it. Still clinging to your Small World ways, spreading them outward to shrink spaces in countries that welcome you. What are you doing in France? What are you doing in America? Bringing it all down to your level. The Tribal Level. Luckily it didn’t have far to fall.

Gangs Worldover, will you see that your evil is overdone and a relic of days that have gone? Will you see how very primitive you are? Modern cavemen, do you glory in this? DrugLords, will you give up your vicious Rule because too many people get hurt? (Here I fear for my minion, just a tad.)

Violence, still the Universal Language. Despite Darwin. Despite Everything you say to pretend otherwise.

Men Worldover, will you find the part of you that believes you are superior to women and actively cut it out like the cancerous untruth it is? Will you see how infected you are with this Fallacy and take measures to cure yourself? Can you see that physical strength and Testosterone have blinded you to the value of everything else? Is it in you to embrace something that will lesson your own power?

Women Worldover, Can you stand up on your own now? Are you prepared to take on all that men did for you, in exchange for the true equality you have trouble in believing in yourself? Do you feel yourself Equal?

Humanity, are you ready to leave the forest and its ways forever? Will you put down your weapons, put down your differences, sever your inherent self-interest, forget about an afterlife and work on the one you have in your hands?

Are you ready to be a single Species?

Off he goes, with a bag of scrolls, my faithful minion, let’s hope he survives.


“Coma”  by Buckethead, Azam Ali, Serj Tankian


“Sing into my mouth.”


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