“Sing into my mouth.”


A familiar idea? Oh yes, you know how I found Saegyth, in the windy woods that day. With her indescribable voice, I wanted to swallow her whole, but then she would never sing for me.

Inspiration. How beautifully critical, how ethereal. The Muses guard their secrets well, always. Find it here in such abundance that it staggers your mind.

Kishi Bashi. Simple name for a complex, astonishing artist of his magnitude. You did hear me use the word Yann. Not lightly, I assure you. Don’t expect the same kind of music, that’s not what I mean. Expect something so unique, so rare, that it leaves me at a loss for words.

Forget mine, turn to his. Ah, what joy, what a perfect poet, what a weaver of worlds, with his words. I am speaking here of his kaleidoscopic masterpieces. Be alone with him, he deserves it.

Start with “This Must Be the Place” for a proper introduction to his whimsy and vision, hear how he puts the song together, beautiful. Hear the violin leap and dance. Listen to the words and know that they only get better, the man has a mind made of everything.

Next it will be “m’Lover”, for a plea that can hardly be ignored, run away with him. What kind of lover would he be? The kind that sings “the songs of men in the way they used to do”. Imagine what those might sound like.

“I Am the Antichrist to You”, feel its thin, sharp lines, toying with such a powerful word, antichrist. “Falling from the sky with grace”,  this song never sits still long enough for visions to form, it simply commands you to follow.

“Manchester”, a song so astounding I am newly overcome every time we hear it, a song to make you run for no reason, as fast as you can. Strings twanging, violins flying, words, wonderful, magical words, how can I describe them? You have to hear them, I dare not even quote any here, you must hear his delivery on your good headphones.

You’re ready now, for the star, the stunner, the world absolute of “In Fantasia”. One of the best songs I have ever heard. So many good lines, I should just post the lyrics. But no- hear them one line at a time, know that they can be found scattered throughout my work, like gems, I steal their lustre, I’m not ashamed of it. This creature is a genius, of mind and soul, do you understand the difference?

My Scribe is always overwhelmed by this song, feel the tension, light and desperate, she will succumb and explode, we will have to stop for a while.

“In Fantasia” requires multiple hearings, and even then you won’t catch every pearl. Never mind, he seeds so many in this Fantasia of a song, you will find all you want. Is the Devil so affected that his words are frozen? There is no writing while listening to this song. Impossible. I am trying to forget the fading sunsets so I can find out what death feels like.

My Scribe has her head in her hands, like something wounded. His voice a stealing, stabbing thing, bringing the images that fill her mind, think of what leaps to life there. Time to breathe, at the end of this song, pretend it slows your heart. Press repeat.

We finish with something else entirely, instrumental, gentler. Words must yet be written before the Scribal collapse. She smiles, giving me a line or two more. Kishi Bashi is one she can’t hear often, for obvious reasons. She has been looking forward to this blog.

She frets, I feel her, that the finest Artists in the world might not appreciate the appreciation of Satan. That my demoninity might tell against me, when it comes time to publish my Bible, and we must seek permission for every word quoted, every line laid at your feet as exquisite evidence. Does this worry the Devil? No.

Adoration is nothing to scorn. They have been gifted by the gods, and gifted to the public, they know the price. By speaking to you I grant you the right to think and say what you will of me, as I, in turn, can think and write I will of you, collectively, and singly.

Forget me and my pompous pretentions, my wordy warblings, my maudlin musings, run away somewhere with Kishi Bashi, god knows I would.


Watch What You Say.


Reality Check.