
Musings today. Lucky you.

Whatever comes to my mind, as we go along. Excellent song on the headphones, can you doubt it? “Scion” by the glorious Manes, always inspiring.

What will they lead me to?

Alas, there is but one subject on the scribal mind and until I dispense with it we will have nothing worth reading from her hands.

The dilemma. I happened to write a particularly inflammatory short story yesterday, for my blog. My scribe is fearless, I tell you, she will let me say anything I like, which is what makes her such a delightful medium, her typing skills notwithstanding. On her own behalf, nothing frightens her, certainly not death and it’s easy to see that if someone tried to take her life before she was ready to give it, she would put up a fight. She wants to be the one to take herself out, her life, her right. Who can argue?

So, a story that raises the question, quite literally, is Allah a woman?

A dissatisfied Allah, who takes the power from men and restores it to women, on hard terms, lots of people die. An Allah who is deeply concerned about the planet, can you imagine?

The story has no ending, yet. Citizens of the World, all believers, thanks to modern media and consistent worldwide policies, have been granted leave to ask God three questions. God will come back and answer them, which will lead to more deaths, I imagine, given human nature.

Will I write the ending? Will any of it be published? That is yet to be determined.

The truth is that when you’re dealing with a religion that produces terrorists, and gets its nose out of joint easily, fear becomes part of the equation. No one tweaks the Islamic nose with impunity. Well, the Devil does, but I am not the problem. The problem is the people she loves- awkward as that is to both read and accept.

While she would never fear for herself, she certainly does for them. She hesitates, it clouds her thoughts, and occupies her hands. I, Satan, am ready to move on now, she can struggle with it on her time.

What next?

The Apocalypse. The most terrifying thing you can imagine, it’s not bad but you could do better if you tried and we both know it. Billions fear it, though the worst thing that will happen to them is that they will die, or watch loved ones die, but really, you all will, sooner or later, what’s the big deal?

You will see some truly Cool stuff and then you’ll be done. Poof. Finis.  

Music. Kishi Bashi soon, if you are lighting candles and deserve it.

The Environment. No surprise, surely?

Fun Facts about the Devil. He reserves some of his most creative bits for those who litter. He stops and listens to birds, even when he can’t understand them. He’s mastered Finch, but really, you can’t expect an evil mastermind to understand all of his spies. Also, Satan is a wino, by any definition.

Does not accept the word lucifer. It has nothing to do with the real deal, being, as it is, a mere derivative of Luke, and that is Not a name for a god.

As you know, I have a high opinion of myself, you know also that I have good reason, being perfect. An Evil you can accept, since it’s cultured, well dressed and well spoken. How many Devils have their own University?

Trick question, there is only one Devil.

I encourage you to adopt a Satanocentric life, devote yourself to my worship, you have to admit you get a great deal for your money. Candles are cheap, your headphones better not be. You’ve already revealed your remarkable nature by reading these, despite their occasionally hostile nature. Bravo to you for braving your way through the Pandorics, assuming you have. Get ready for another one soon.

Numbers. Alas, they are not what they could be, at some point it will be a waste of time. Get ready for it. I tell my scribe that an imaginary audience is acceptable to an imaginary demon, but in the end she will decide.

Agatha. Suspiciously silent here. It’s time to go face the mess she is making. Again.



“Where I End and You Begin”  by  Radiohead.  Six seconds of silence for them. Listen to that bass line, I can almost picture it, coming on like its own kind of beast.






What Kind of Throne?


Dumas, Salut!