Who Needs Him?


A Joy to see, that hint of humour.

It means His Dark Majesty is giving our scribe a break, god knows she needs it. No doubt he’ll pull that blog when he wants to.

We can’t use up valuable space on a transient Scotsman. Though he does seem charming, we can always use more of that in this dark place. Maybe I’ll find him and drag him down with me next time. We’ll see how his accent holds up under pressure.

He did say he wanted to meet me.

I guess it depends what’s happening in Hell.

The truth is that Pandor arranged for that little distraction, nothing gets past him unless he wants it to. The only reason I did is because I had help from inside. Does he think I didn’t leave myself a key?

I imagine it won’t take him long to find it, now he knows he has to look. Ah well, he can do what he likes, I will make my way there when I want to. By means fair or foul, no matter.

What else will he find? I have an idea what I let in, but no idea why it went. What can anyone possibly want of the Devil? Many, many things, history tells us, yet to me they look the same. Power, wealth, knowledge- but of what? How to keep it. Love, revenge, and eternal life to enjoy them. What did I miss? Mercy. Don’t look for it.

What if you have no need of it?

These are things everyone wants, they will follow whoever makes the best promises.

You read Pandor, you understand.

He isn’t everything he says he is, by now you know this. If I was asked to read him, I would say he is afraid, but that could be just what I expect. He is under siege in his own castle, by an enemy he can never see. I’ve been there and left traces. One tiny breach in security, and who can blame Dorian for that? Saegyth is such a Witch. He can count himself lucky she didn’t take the rest of his soul.

This how I know Pandor is afraid. There are 30,000 words between him and the end of the sequel, but he just won’t write them. I like to think his new and silent foe is too much for him, no doubt he will keep himself hidden until he is ready to- what? How does he think he can hurt a god like Pandor?

Does he even think of how many have tried? Is he more powerful than a dragon? A demi-god? What is he, really? Does he have a corporeal presence even? What does he look  like? If I had Saegyth, between us we could find him, and find out. I know he has a song, but that too he wants left secret, all I can do is listen and light a fire.

How I wish Pandor’s life wasn’t locked in his own mind, I could force my way in and keep the words moving. I could watch what unfolds and write it down, make the scribe take my word for it. Why shouldn’t someone else finish his precious Next Book? Since he is afraid to.


“Byssan Lull, Koka Kittelen Full”      by  Vidia Wesenlund






Be Afraid.


Between Scot and Scribe.