
What do You think it is?

I’m here, children, to share my wisdom with you. Rule number one, I never need to make sense. Or finish sentences

My utter indifference to anything but my own imperatives gives me the freedom I need to

Are you enjoying this as much as I am? I doubt it. See my music recommendation immediately and obey all instructions.

It will get worse now, have fun. A Lesson on Evil, une petite histoire, if you will. Yes, you’ve seen this before, a long paragraph that takes up the page, a shiver. What will you do? Will you read it? Do you even have the stamina? The hardware? What if you hate it after the first two lines? Can you stop without reading the rest? By all means, I encourage you to stop if you can’t take it, you won’t be the first pussy I’ve seen.

Caveman lives with ugly woman, steals new one, pretty daughter gets raped by all, strong man collects anything he wants, pretty daughters and weak men, feed them on the spoils of your raids on other caves, (classic technique) caves become houses, houses grow circles of walls, that become fortresses to keep the goods safe, the goods are still pretty women and weak men, now you have servants and slaves, Why, the question is never raised since God has come and sanctified the system, in the fortress, still, the beasts of burden, the treachery, all want the highest chair, look up, there it is, hanging by its thread, the sword, look away now, kick something, hit your wife, if you allow her out, hit her in public, brutally rule your offspring, kick the dog, the dog will become rabid and infect the masses who will rise in impotent rebellion, things will fall and you will be the slave now,under a new kind of lord, pick your favourite, you are a serf, you are a Non Roman, you are the Celtic devil hiding in the dark woods, you are the Asian peasant who lives forever, you are the drone that you become, already, kneeling in the church, washing in the Holy River, running over the bridge for your God, there are many, pick one, evil in the law now, evil under the sword and the hangman, evil in the smiling face of your representative, in the principal of your child’s school, oh- especially there, in the schools, brilliant evil in and of themselves, there it takes root like rampant wildlife and infects the minds of those who might have learned something otherwise, run, run from the schools, then read everything so you know at least what lies you are fed, think about why, keep reading, especially anything I say, since I know much better than you, though I confess you are handling this digression better than I thought you would, (I will know when your tiny mind needs to pause) (read it out loud, you pansy) on we go, evil in the factories, in the markets, evil in the ingredients, in the recipes, in your hand as what you hold falls apart, and it will, I assure you, like nothing has before now, then you find it your Movements, in your absurd and nauseating WOKE, though we love it here in Hell, White is the new birthmark, the sign of Satan, and that too I adore since there is much to love in white skin, thinking of Aela now, but you don’t want to hear my lust filled thoughts, I will spare you them, evil lives in the bedroom, actually, where the man is dominant and rightfully so, this will carry him easily to Master, something he neither earns nor deserves, which fact is borne out by the commonplace tyranny in every marriage, regardless of time or place, wherein women and other helpless creatures are abused, Bravo men, long may we reign, long may I insert random words that have nothing to do with whatever I was saying, do you remember, do we care even, who does, see how much you are learning, that questions can be asked without the tyranny (count how many times I use that word) of punctuation: love that nothing I say here will ever reach Aela, if I can keep her from it, which doesn’t seem that hard to do, still lovely women and weak men at the top, they rise like the fat they are, are you enjoying this, remembering that I have no use for question marks, and I have let the commas rule thus far, reasons unknown- even-to-myself- time for& and Capital P since both are sexy, time to let you off the hook ,,,  three in a row there, they’re running amok, I think not anyway since you had it easy the last time, a few more evils for you, have I mentioned churches, Holy Christ, dreadful dens of hidden vice, I spend lots of time in them, evil now in the sky above you, at the corner, under the lights, in your screen, get it while it’s hot, wait it’s always hot, who needs other humans, not you since you have a brain and the wide world in front of you, but still you reproduce, more of God’s impeccable public relations skills, god says make babies, another evil there in your lap and looking up at you like you should know what you’re doing, but you don’t and still you make more, and in hell here I look for omens, my minions, my leagues, my weapons, they sit still.



“Holy Rivers” by Empathy Test     The melody is a song, enjoy it in your fine hairs. On repeat as you read the magnificent creation I have gifted you with, above. Do it right, lowly peon.

For dessert, “Destroyer” by Phantogram Don’t say I never think of you.




Halloween. Keep Your Witch employed.


Snakes and their Ilk.